Mercy Gate Box Elder

In 2024, we are praising God for all the blessings that He has bestowed on our fellowship! 2023 was truly a year that God blessed Mercy Gate Box Elder (MGBE)! We had a wonderful summer full of activities, fellowship, mission teams, evangelism, and growth. The new (old) building that God has blessed us with has seen major improvements and renovations, and the church officially received the deed to the property (debt free) last year from the Dakota Baptist Convention! Last summer, we hosted several mission teams (from Mississippi, Missouri, and Iowa) that came to Box Elder to be the hands and feet of Christ. The primary objectives of our summer mission teams were evangelism, discipleship, and building restoration. And did God ever work through these teams!

Our biggest event last year was a tent revival that lasted for four days. The revival served over 1,000 people, and we were blessed to see God save 21 people through the revival! We had 40 children attend our summer VBS, and one child received the Lord as Savior! We also had a men’s and women’s conference over the summer as well as door-to-door evangelism that were centered around three weeks of block parties. We are very thankful and blessed to have supporting churches come and be the “hands and feet of Christ” in our community as we continue to reach Box Elder with the gospel of Jesus Christ!

We also had great success at our Christmas Concert and Banquet, and we were able to serve and minister to approximately 250 people in our community with the gospel!

Please be in prayer as we look for God to raise up a new church planter to plant a new church on the southside of Box Elder! We are praying for God to plant a new church in our community in the next 1-2 years! Thank you again for your continued prayers, support, and encouragement as we continue our efforts to further the kingdom of God in our community, across the state of South Dakota, and to the ends of the earth!


Just A Boy On Mission


Conversations on Church Planting, Pt. 3