Just A Boy On Mission

My name is Aiden and my mom and I got to go to Lesotho, Africa in October 2023. I am going to tell you about a day that a lot happened. We were at a village we had been to twice before, my mom got to teach about Jesus walking on water, and I taught about David and Goliath. After we taught, five ladies said that they wanted to become Christians, so a pastor talked to them and helped them understand how to become a Christian. They prayed, and our translator told us what they were saying - it was so cool! 

We then ate lunch, and after that, we went to a village that we had to hike to because the bridge was washed out, but there was a side that was still there that we had to balance on. While we were hiking up to the village we saw some kids and they started following us and every time we stopped, they stopped. Eventually a pastor asked if they wanted to hear a story, meaning the Bible, they said yes. The pastor was going to tell them the “Two Kingdoms”, which is a gospel presentation, but I asked if I could tell it. I had not taught Two Kingdoms before, so my mom handed me some notes. I started out using the notes but then I handed them back because I had heard others on the team teach it before and I had practiced and was prepared to share. The boys were in 5th grade, just like me. 

Then we met a friend and talked for a bit. Then we walked down to our truck and went to the bridge where we met up with the other group because we had split up in the morning. When they got there, we drove back to the lodge where we were staying. 

That was a day that a lot of amazing things happened!


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