When Family and Ministry Collide | Part 1

Global Impact Partners Josh and Brenda Lei Casey face unprecedented challenges every day as missionaries in Spain. However, one of their greatest challenges has also been one of the most simple - how do they not just serve as church planters but live the ordinary, everyday life as mom and dad as well? In this five-part series, they share their insight from the field of what it’s really like when family and ministry collide.

When we answered God’s call to plant churches in Spain, we knew it would be both exhilarating and challenging. What we didn’t expect was the additional challenge of raising four girls on the mission field! God has been so faithful to provide for us every step of the way. We long for our children to have a personal walk with God. Here are some of the things we’ve learned through the beautiful, messy, and ultimately redeeming intersection of ministry and family. 

Ministry is not what you do, it’s who you are.

Ministry is not limited to things happening inside the church building. It is not limited to church functions like small groups or outreach events. Ministry is not what you do, it’s who you are! Ministry has to flow from our identity. You don’t put it on and take it off like a costume. You don’t turn it on and turn it off. Ministry must become your identity instead of your hobby.

There are some basic ways we can try to communicate this:

  • Instead of saying “I go to church”, say “I am a follower of Jesus”.

  • Instead of saying “I sing in the choir”, say “I am a worshiper of the one true God”.

  • Instead of saying “I attend bible study”, say “I am a student of the Word”.

  • Instead of saying “I share the gospel with my friends”, say “I am an ambassador for Christ”. 

When we change the way we speak about ministry, we shift from telling people the things we do to telling them who we are. What’s the danger for our kids if we aren’t intentional about this? If all we ever communicate is that ministry is things we do, then our kids learn the other things we do - like going to the grocery store or soccer practice - are not ministry.


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