John 1 for our Community

Have you ever found yourself in a moment of wondering, “How did I end up here?” Maybe you are in the middle of a conversation that is going the wrong direction, or maybe it’s in the middle of an overwhelming project, or on the wrong road, or maybe even in the middle of a crowd of people; and that moment of wondering hits you. “What on earth am I doing here?”

As I have been preparing my heart for this Advent season I have pondered this question myself, “How did I get here?” How did I get to the end of another year on the calendar? How did I get to this stage of life? How did I get to this place with my walk with Jesus? And then I think about how Jesus must have felt - He was fully God and fully human. And yet, I’m pretty sure He never thought, “How did I get here?” 

Jesus knew exactly how He got to earth and why. John 1:14 tells us that God became human and made His home among us. Jesus humbly entered a family in the form of a tiny, helpless human. He grew up in a Jewish community and yet that community didn’t recognize Him and rejected Him (John 1:14). This perfect human man, Jesus, came into the very world He created, as a Savior, and His own community rejected Him. Jesus was full of unfailing love and faithfulness (John 1:14 NLT) and His glory as the One and Only Son of the Father was visible. To His community. And they rejected Him. From Christmas to the cross. “How did He end up in this place of rejection?”

But, that’s not the end of the story! John 1:12-13 (NLT) says, “But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God. They are reborn—not with a physical birth resulting from human passion or plan, but a birth that comes from God.” We know that some of the community around Jesus accepted Him, they listened to His teaching, they knew Him to be their Savior, they watched Him perform miracles, they witnessed HIs death on the cross, they rejoiced at His resurrection, and they were empowered by His Holy Spirit when He ascended into heaven. I wonder if that first community of Christ followers ever found themselves in a place to wonder, “How did we get here?” 

What about you? Have you recognized Jesus, accepted Him as your Savior, and been empowered by the Holy Spirit in a birth that comes from God? Do those around you recognize you as a child of God? How do you impact your community - family, friends, workplace, neighborhood, church, etc.? In the hustle and bustle of your daily life, do you ever wonder, “How did I get here?” Have you arrived at this place on your own strength? Did you get here with  integrity? Has your life brought glory to God? What and who do others see in you?

As Christmas approaches and the year closes, ask yourself, “How did I get here?”


John 1 for our World


John 1 for Families