Heeding the Call

I felt the call of God to international missions in 2021 during a Perspectives class at Ridgecrest. Through this class, I heard about God’s plan of redemption and His desire for all nations to come to the knowledge of Him. Hearing the stories and the testimonies of God’s people being faithful to share God’s redemptive plan for humanity with the nations is what God used to begin stirring my heart toward missions.

God confirmed this call to international missions when I attended a missions conference and heard a missionary couple share about their church planting ministry among an unreached people group in Papua New Guinea. They were full of great joy as they shared about this people group gathering, praying, and worshiping Jesus in their own native language. After the conference, I listened to my wife, Kelsey, explain her passion for reaching the unreached in Lesotho (a country she had served in for several years). The country had been closed due to the pandemic and no missionaries had been there for almost two years. My heart was stirred by God to pray for this country to re-open so missionaries could return. Little did I know what would happen next!

The day after I returned from the conference, the Lesotho border re-opened! God provided the opportunity for Kelsey and I to travel to Lesotho the following spring on a short term missions trip. I felt so blessed to play a small part in bringing the Gospel to Lesotho, and God used that trip to fully confirm my call to missions and opened my heart wide for getting the gospel to the unreached among the nations.

God, in His redemptive love, brought the opportunity to work with School to the Nations (STTN) using my gifts of audio engineering, technology, and video production to be a part of bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ to the farthest parts of the world. I never would have thought after volunteering at STTN for some months God would call me there, but by God’s grace I surrendered to the call of full time ministry and joined the STTN staff in 2023 as the Video Production Assistant and Field Dissemination Strategist. Now, God is using my passion, gifts, and heart for the nations to equip believers around the world to share the gospel with the unreached!


It’s Never Too Late