A Nehemiah Mission Trip

Mercy Gate Box Elder (MGBE) is a North American Mission Board church plant in South Dakota just outside Rapid City and is home to Ellsworth Air Force Base (AFB).  Launched on Easter 2022 in a 2,000 square foot space, the church was at capacity and growing within six months, had an option to add the space next door which would double their capacity, but at the last minute it was leased to a Pizza Hut. 

So, when God’s people are faced with challenges, they pray - and pray they did. A Baptist church in town had recently closed its doors, and Pastor Andy received a call that the building would be theirs if they wanted. This would not have happened had the other unit been available. God was at work even before they started praying, and now have a 5,000 square foot facility on five acres, and very close to schools and the AFB. 

The building had suffered from a lack of attention over the years, which brings us to the objective for a recent mission trip. Pastor Wayne Barron  had asked Dustin and I if we would be able to go and survey the building. Ours would not be a Paul and Barnabas type of trip, but more of a Nehemiah trip with a clear objective. Survey the building’s condition, mechanical systems, possible upgrades, and needs.  God would be sending others to help, and they would need a clear picture on how best to utilize manpower and monies as efficiently as possible for future teams. 

We were able to meet that objective, but it was not the God part of the trip, at least not for me.  MGBE had just received their 501c3 status and completed their bylaws, so we had the honor of worshiping with them for their first service under their official status, and we were also privileged to join them for their first business meeting. Bonus: there were two baptisms before the worship service, and a third before the business meeting.

God is moving in this community and has given Pastor Andy a vision and a sizable task. The largest percentage of congregants are new believers at four years or less, almost half of the church attendance are children (lots of families), and the AFB will be doubling in size over the next few years. It is a special thing to witness and in a very small way be a part of the beginning of God’s plan for this new church. 

I think the greatest blessing for me was getting to spend five days with two men whom I have great love and respect for. The conversations of God things, the humor, the brotherhood were all such a blessing. It is so encouraging to know that when going on a mission trip, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant your part may seem, it’s always on the front edge of God’s next big work.


The God of Restoration


Joy at Jaguar Junction