7 Reasons I'm Excited About VBS 2023

Yes, I know it’s only October, but in the Kids Ministry world it’s never too early to begin thinking about Vacation Bible School! I always enjoy VBS, but this year is bringing me more excitement than normal. Next year’s VBS theme is all about board games! It’s called Twists & Turns.

If I had to cut everything except one thing from our kids ministry calendar, VBS would be the one event left standing. That is because I have seen God use this event to bring salvation and spiritual growth year after year. In addition, VBS brings our church together to serve the next generation more than any other event on our calendar. But why am I extra excited for VBS this year? Thanks for asking! Here are 7 reasons I am excited for VBS in 2023.

1. I Love the Theme

We are not a church that chooses our yearly VBS based on theme. We choose VBS curriculum based on Bible content, trustworthiness of the source, and usability in our church context. That being said, I always choose Lifeway VBS, because Lifeway has never let me down in those three areas. But I do love a good theme! Themes help create concepts and memories that we can hang Bible content on. I can still remember StarQuest VBS from 1998. Twists & Turns VBS is going to be so fun, and my creative juices are already flowing.

2. I Love Games

Yes, I know this feels redundant from Point 1. But even more than just an overall fun theme, I personally love all games, especially board games. Playing board games is one of my family's favorite hobbies, and I can’t wait to share that with our kids and families through VBS. I also have some fun ideas about turning our family night into a giant game show!

3. Bible Content

Twist & Turns Bible content is all about one of my favorite Bible characters - Peter! I love Peter’s loud personality, bold faith, success after failure, and his willingness to say what everyone else is thinking. Throughout VBS, we will dive into 5 stories from the life of Peter.

4. Practical Application

I am excited about how applicable the Bible content is going to be as we learn how Jesus guides us through the Twists & Turns of life. The VBS motto this year is, “Following Jesus changes the game.” Kids need to learn that life is not always an easy straight line. There will be many challenges along the way. Jesus will guide us through life, no matter how challenging that might be.

5. New Date and Time

This is a big one for us! Ridgecrest has hosted VBS the first week of June for over a decade. But this year, mark your calendars because our 2023 VBS is set for June 25-29. Back by popular demand (and the Lord’s leading), VBS will take place during the daytime. I am excited to have extended time with kids, a better opportunity to invite our community, and all the while being able to go to bed at a decent time each night!

6. Missions

Our missions focus for VBS will be about the Embera people group. IMB missionaries are working with this displaced people group in Columbia. If your kids went to CentriKid last year, they have already begun learning about this people group and the Embera Bead Project that “helps fight poverty and restore hope one bead at a time.” I just heard last week that the first Embera person has come to Christ! The Colombian government has even donated a building to help this work. God is doing cool things, and we get to learn all about it and be a part of it!

7. New Stage Character

Professor Spark has left some big shoes to be filled by a new stage character, but Twist & Turns provides a lot of great options. Currently I want to be Colonel Mustard… or maybe Uncle Pennybags from Monopoly… or maybe Pat Sajak!

For more resources on parenting, visit Pastor Luke’s blog at www.thepastorparent.com.


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